1977 Centenary of Royal Insitu...
SG PP92Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mauritania 1977 Nobel Prize Wi...
SG546Unmounted mint, never hinged
SG1029/32Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1977 Mexican Arts and S...
SG1417/21Unmounted mint, never hinged
Congo Brazzaville 1977 250th D...
SG578Unmounted mint, never hinged
Ivory Coast 1978 Max Planck so...
SG539Unmounted mint, never hinged
Venezuela 1978 Rafael Rangel u...
SG2395Unmounted mint, never hinged
Greenland 1978 Scientific Rese...
SG98Unmounted mint, never hinged
New Caledonia 1979 Scientific ...
SG623Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1979 Birth Centenary of...
SG1467Unmounted mint, never hinged
West Germany 1979 60pf Splitt...
SG1901Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1979-88 20c Laboratory ...
SG1471Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1980 Mexican Arts and S...
SG1540/44Unmounted mint, never hinged
Aitutaki 1980 25th Death Anniv...
SG290Unmounted mint, never hinged
Syria 1980 Second Internationa...
SG1446/48Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1981 50th Death Anniver...
SG1612Unmounted mint, never hinged
Dominican Republic 1981 Chemic...
SG1432/33Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1981 Birth Centenary of...
SG1599Unmounted mint, never hinged
India 1982 Festival of India u...
SG1040Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1982 Mexican Arts and S...
SG1650aUnmounted mint, never hinged
Niger 1982 Laboratory Work unm...
SG921/22Unmounted mint, never hinged
Brazil 1983 Agricultural Resea...
SG2009/11Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1983 Mexican Arts and S...
SG1688aUnmounted mint, never hinged
West Germany 1983 Geodesy & Ge...
SG2037Unmounted mint, never hinged
West Germany 1984 Wilheln Bess...
SG2067Unmounted mint, never hinged
West Germany 1984 Electron Syn...
SG2072Unmounted mint, never hinged
West Germany 1984 Gregor Mende...
SG2049Unmounted mint, never hinged
Kenya 1985 Protozoology unmoun...
SG352/55Unmounted mint, never hinged
Syria 1985 26th Anniversary (1...
SG1592Unmounted mint, never hinged
Canada 1986 Canada Day. Scienc...
SG1203aUnmounted mint, never hinged
FSAT 1986 Scientific Research ...
SG218Unmounted mint, never hinged
Canada 1987 Canada Day. Scienc...
SG1241aUnmounted mint, never hinged
Uruguay 1987 International Sci...
SG1904Unmounted mint, never hinged
1987 Newton unmounted mint.
SG1351/54Unmounted mint, never hinged
Mexico 1988 Mexican Arts and S...
SG1880Unmounted mint, never hinged
Brazil 1988 De Andrada unmount...
SG2307Unmounted mint, never hinged
Peoples Republic of China 1988...
SG3549/52Unmounted mint, never hinged
Sweden 1989 Academy Of Science...
SG SB419Unmounted mint, never hinged
1989 150th Anniv of Royal Micr...
SG 1453/56Unmounted mint, never hinged
Denmark 1990 Bicentenary of De...
SG898Unmounted mint, never hinged
1991 Scientific Achievements P...
SG PP216Unmounted mint, never hinged
1991 Scientific Achievements u...
SG1546/49Unmounted mint, never hinged
Syria 1991 Science Week unmoun...
SG1824Unmounted mint, never hinged
Germany 1993 Sir Isaac Newton ...
SG2495Unmounted mint, never hinged
Peru 1994 25th Anniversary of ...
SG1819Unmounted mint, never hinged
Uruguay 1996 Scientists 3p50 s...
SG2283/86Unmounted mint, never hinged
Uruguay 1996 Scientists 7p50 s...
SG2288/90Unmounted mint, never hinged
1999 Scientists' Tale fine used.
SG2102/05Fine used